Smoke-Free Policy

Effective July 1, 2015, the College will comply with the Smoke Free Campus Act (110 ILCS 64) that prohibits smoking on College property, including in all indoor and outdoor space and in all College-owned vehicles.


“Smoking” means the lighting or burning of any type of cigar, cigarette, electronic cigarette, pipe, or any other smoking equipment, whether filled with tobacco or any other type of material.

Littering of any smoking product or any other waste product on College property is prohibited.

This policy applies to any individual on College property, including but not limited to students, faculty, staff, other employees, subcontractors, volunteers, visitors, and members of the public.

Violation may result in monetary fines issued by Public Safety and/or disciplinary actions by the appropriate administrative office. 

Smoking Violations

The chief of Public Safety may delegate the issuance of citations to trained cadets. Violators of the smoke-free campus policy will be required to pay fines as established below:

  • Smoking on campus property will be subject to a $50 fine for each violation. A warning may be issued for the first offense.
  • Noncompliant students may be referred for disciplinary actions by the appropriate administrative office.
  • Noncompliant College employees may be referred to their respective supervisor.


Violators will be required to pay the appropriate fine within 30 calendar days after the violation has been issued or adjudicated. The following penalties will be applicable after the aforementioned (30) calendar days have expired.

Students: Grade reports, transcripts, and registration will be withheld.

College employees: The amount of the unpaid smoking citation fines will be deducted from the individual’s payroll check.

Appeals Process (Due Process)

Anyone who has received a citation for an alleged violation will have the right to appeal. The request for an appeal must be in writing. Appeal forms may be obtained from and returned to either the Office of Student Life (for students) or Public Safety (for employees) within 30 calendar days following the receipt of the citation. The appeal must contain a statement of the specific grounds for appeal. Hearings will be on the first Monday of each month. In the event that the designated Monday is a holiday, the hearings will be scheduled as soon as possible. Failure to appear at the hearing will constitute withdrawal of the request for appeal unless a written request for a delay, with sufficient reason(s) given, has been received by the Office of Student Life or by Public Safety prior to the scheduled hearing date. The chief of Public Safety or designee will be at the hearings to present evidence and/or to give oral statements.

Students: A student may appeal to the Student Judicial Board, which will be comprised of four students to be appointed by the president of the Student Government Association. The director of Student Life or designee also will be member of the Student Judicial Board. Two students and the director of Student Life or designee will constitute a quorum. The decision made by a majority vote of those present will be considered as final.

College employees: An employee may appeal to the Appeals Board, which will be comprised of a faculty member (or alternate) and a staff member (or alternate), all appointed by the president of Oakton College. The vice president for Business and Finance or designee also will be a member of the Appeals Board. The decision made by the majority of this body will be considered as final.